• Inspiration Panel: Communication is key

    Good communication skills are key to success in life, work and relationships. It is crucial to communicate effectively in negotiations to ensure you achieve your goals. The VersusVirus Hackathon is a great example to challenge what is possible in terms of communicating between thousands of people to achieve a goal within a short time. In these new times we are currently in important questions around communication arise: How does communication change the way we interact and do business in the world of corona crisis?What are the challenges and what are the opportunities of these "enforced" ways of online communication? What does this new "set up" mean for business , for individuals, for governmental organizations or leadership?



    Farber Vanina

    Prof at IMD



    Arijana Walcott

    Co-founder DART Labs Ventures



    Jörg Mäder




    Marcel Gasser

    #VersusVirus Hackathon
