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    48 hours. You and potentially 8 million others. The Covid-19 crisis in Switzerland. In Europe. Worldwide. We stick together. We find solutions!

    Join us with your skills to take on the challenge now - no matter what your background is. Together we are strong!

  • Highlighted Projects of #versusvirus
    April Hackathon

    We are all co-creators; and we are all winners. All 263 teams have earned respect for what they have achieved during the last 48 hours. All these projects can be found on DevPost.
    Out of all these amazing ideas, our jury has highlighted the following 42 projects.
    Each Highlight team based in Switzerland has been awarded CHF 1'000 to continue their projects.

    More Posts
  • Testimonials

    This is what people said about #Versusvirus!

    “When can we do this again? ;) Thank you for giving us the chance to be part of something so inspiring and unforgettable! This was my favorite weekend since the lockdown started.”


    "Did I mention? I loved working with all of you! With the some I was in touch and also all the others that I felt were there! THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS AWESOME EVENT, be it organisation, support, tech, artsy breaks, team word, etc…. loved it!!!"


    "Many thanks to the organizers for this tour de force!"


    "Was a pleasure! We need more of this, a lot more!"


    "REALLY thank you for your great effort to bring us all together and open up such great opportunities for our future. I am very grateful for a wonderful time and awesome swiss community. APPLAUS! And good luck for the next one!"


    "In retrospect, short and sweet: Yes, we can! It was a mad spirit, supportive and engaged collaboration through the whole community of #versusvirus. It was about networking, teamwork and breaking new grounds. In such events you get the feeling that you can achieve everything if you have the same goal as a community or as a team."


    "It really was a pleasure... and yeah... somehow it is quite sad, that the weekend is over..."


    "Thank You for the organization, it was my first hackathon and a great experience."


    "I am sooooooo happy that I joined the hackathon. It was truly one of the most interesting and stimulating experiences of my life. I am now kind of sad that it is over haha. I love the challenge that I submitted and hope that it attracts attention."


    "I am really impressed about the optimism, spirit, creativity as well as the chaos - amazing, congratulations to the orga team and also the mentoring leads. My deep respect to all the teams that delivered as promised."


    "How was it? Very tiring, chaotic, extremely educational, and, oh, so much fun."

    Zeigs AG

    "The last 48h felt like a Master, Thesis & Internship together. From transnational policy making to ClimateAction. Thanks VersusVirus for this amazing challenge."

  • We are looking for daring and innovative ideas that will help Switzerland to show solidarity now and emerge stronger from the current difficult situation caused by the coronavirus. In a 48h online Hackathon, we want to develop functional digital or analogue prototypes to counter the virus with tangible solutions. For this to work, the #versusvirus Hackathon needs a strong, diverse community. That means people with very different perspectives and abilities. So you do not need to be a programmer or hacker to contribute.

  • Participate

    Different roles for diverse human beings

    If something is unclear, you will find the most important questions & answers HERE.


    Do you want to work together with others on a creative solution for a current challenge in the context of the Corona crisis and make a meaningful contribution to society? Are you a motivated citizen, a creative, a problem-solver or a programmer? Do you have internet access and an email address? And understand English? Then register now and get actively involved!



    Deadline: Thursday, 2 April ... extended to 23:00

    Create a Hackathon challenge

    What challenges do you and society face in the current situation? Suggest a challenge and the teams of the Hackathon will develop practical solutions for it within 48 hours. The challenges can come from all areas of society. Submit a challenge to the teams now and accompany them in the process of developing solutions.



    Deadline: Tuesday, 31 March 23:59



    To support the participants on their way to the ingenious solution against Covid-19, we are looking for volunteer mentors for the online Hackathon with expertise in Design Thinking & Creativity Methods, IT, Data, Web Design & Multimedia, Business Model, Presentation & Pitching. Further fields of expertise will follow.



    Deadline: Wednesday, 1 April 23:59

    Support #versusvirus

    Do you want to support us as a company or an organisation? Do you wish to help us cover our costs, or contribute to the concrete implementation or continuation of the developed solutions after the Hackathon? Be it as a multiplier or a data donor... your support is welcome!



  • Programme


    Hacking Time and Support - from Fri 14:30 to Sun 18:00 you work on your challenge within your team; we offer mentoring & support

    Highly recommended sessions - don't miss out on these programme slots; the organisational team will use these slots to transmit important information regarding the Hackathon programme

    Optional Sessions - these slots offer inspirational insights, practical inputs or technical support to develop the best possible solution. Attendance is optional

    Optional fun & energizers - this Hackathon is also about having a great time together; tune in to these slots and have fun - you can also invite your friends; the access to the live stream is public and free!



    02.04.2020 Registration deadline for participants and mentors


    Stay healthy and at home!




    Friday 03.04.

    09:00-11:00 Tech Access & Onboarding of participants
    11:00–13:30 Team building session & virtual networking
    14:00 Deadline: All teams ready & online


    14:00-14:30 Kick Off Event
    15:00-15:30 How to get started - tech intro

    From 17.00 Mentors available on Slack channels

    17:00-17:30 How to boost your creativity

    18.15 Big Surprise

    19:00 Deadline for choosing your challenge

    19:00-19:30 Inspirational Panel

    20:00-20:30 How to frame a problem



    20:00-21:00 Live streamed concert by Disco Pizco

    21:00-24:00 Online-Disco with Rosanna Grüter and Purple Drain


    Saturday 04.04.

    08:00–08:40 Wake Up Yoga

    08:45-10:00 Müesli concerts with Artemi and Seth G


    All day long Mentors available & support via Slack

    10:00 VersusVirus Update #1

    10:30-11:00 Inspirational Panel

    11:00-11:30 How to create a concept

    12:00-13:00 Networking - Zoom-Chatroulette

    13:00-13:30 How to create a prototype

    13:45 Inspirational Surprise

    14:00-14:30 Energizer with Pat Burgener

    15:00-15:30 How to pitch your idea

    16:00-16:30 Inspirational Panel

    17:00-17:30 How to visualise your idea

    18:00-18:30 How to create a simple video

    19:45 VersusVirus Update #2



    20:00–21:00 Live streamed concert by Bisco

    21:00–24:00 Covid Club



    Sunday 05.04.

    08:00–08:40 Wake-up Yoga

    08:45-10:00 Müesli concerts with Chasing Tales and Musketeer


    All day long Mentors available & support via Slack

    10:00 VersusVirus Update #3

    10:45-11:15 kidsversusvirus

    12:00-12:30 How to upload your solutions on the app

    13:30-14:00 kidsversusvirus

    14.00-14.45 The Human Jukebox - afternoon concert for families
    18:00 Submission deadline
    18:00–18:30 End of Hack Event



    18.30-19.30 Live concert MoreEats

    18:30-22:00 Zoom-Dancefloor


    Monday 06.04.

    19:00-20:30 Closing ceremony and announcement of highlights

  • Topics

    The Hackathon challenges will be located in the following thematic areas.

    Click HERE for the final lists of challenges.

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  • Switzerland, Europe, World


    Corona concerns us all. All citizens of Switzerland, all Europeans, all nations. Our hackathon is not the first of its kind and without the exemplary approach of others we would not have been able to set up this hackathon so quickly.
    That is why we pay attention to solidarity with other initiatives during the Hackathon. We want to avoid developing duplicate solutions, we have taken as example already developed prototypes and built on them where possible. Similarly, we do not see our work as being limited to a Swiss context. The solutions we develop are for all.

    Execution Guidelines



    In order to maintain social distancing, the Hackathon will take place exclusively online. The only condition for participation is a functioning internet access and an email address. You should also understand English.


    The aim is to actually implement some projects. It should therefore be possible for everyone to test the project, develop it further or build on it. A list of recommended technologies for digital solutions will be provided in the FAQ document.


    • Focus Switzerland: Focus on the specific challenges in the country
    • No actionism: the topics must be relevant and concrete for the concerned actors.
    • Not a PR campaign: Solutions are to be found for the general population. Thus we maintain a neutral branding & include many initiators on board.
    • More than Tech: All skills are needed, not only technical know-how.
    • Code of Conduct: We want to provide a safe, comfortable and inclusive environment and a nuisance-free experience for everyone. To achieve this we follow the Hack Code of Conduct.
  • Any questions?

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