• Terms & Conditions

    1. We will need your data to create statistics after the event. Your name and contacts will not be published or passed on.
    2. We want to keep you in the loop: You are okay with receiving a maximum of 15 emails before and after the event.
    3. You are okay with simple English as main event language. Of course, you can hand in your final solutions in any national language.
    4. The Intellectual Property (IP) of your solution belongs to you and your team. Just you and your team are able to decide if you want to make your solution available to others or to involve other parties for further development. 
    5. We might do screenshots during online sessions and use these pics as public communication material.
    6. Our Hackathon is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable environment and harassment-free experience for everyone, that's why we require all participants to agree with the Hack Code of Conduct.