- HOW TO frame a problem
This "how-to" session will go through 3 main stages to help you better understand your problem. Ultimately, this will lead you to a better a solution and better presentation of your problem. We will start with a root cause analysis approach, then transition into a series of very simple problem framing exercises, and finish with a structured approach on how to go from problem framing into problem solution.
Your mentor: Peter Horvath
Peter is a Geneva-based consultant in the areas of digital strategy, user experience and service design. He combines a technology, business, and human-centered lens, by relying on his 17 years of experience in enterprise, startup, agency and freelance environments. Peter is an economist by training, and has an MBA in management of technology and innovation from EPFL. He has worked with companies like IBM, Samsung, Deutsche Telecom and Inmarsat, and leads Geneva's largest grassroots event series on digital topics.
c/o Impact Hub Switzerland
Münchensteinerstr. 274A
4053 Basel