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TeaPort - The Social Learning Portal For Education

April 6, 2020

A platform for teachers, students and parents to ensure learning success in a simple, fun and secure way

Team: Carolin Ackermann, Chris Brown, Jan Vomacka, Jordi Cali, Marcel Schwob, Markus Paus, Marvin Dirichs, Narender Singh, Navina Bayer, Sven Strehlke, Thiago Rodrigues da Paula, Tobias Altenrichter, Tore Schröder, Ute Lorenzen, Yazan Houshieh

Give back to society in hard time with our knowledge, experience, and a tool that was made for that. Together, we managed to build a platform that is ready to go live.

What it does
Bring teacher, students, and parents together on one single platform. This allows every user to have everything they need at their fingertips.